Technology Advanced Studies
Technology Advanced Studies is an independent studies course at Middle Creek High. Its purpose is to allow upper level Digital Media students the opportunity to focus on one area of Digital Media. This would give students one last chance before college to truly explore career opportunities they feel might be the right fit. Students are required to do daily research and projects related to their topic and turn in weekly progress report postings along with daily screen shots that show progress of project work. Students must also create a portfolio at the end of the class to help with college acceptance or to use to get internships in college. Students should download and add the TAS Folder of documents to their Google Drive.
Checkout our Tech Adv. Studies Blog on SeeSaw
STEM Academy Trip Pics
Contract FormsPlease add these documents to your Google Drive.
TAS Contract Instructions 19-20 Document TAS TOPIC Focus & Subcategories 19-20 Document TAS Contract Parent Student Signature 19-20 Form TAS Final Exam 19-20 Document
Tips for writing a paper:
How to use commas |
Creating a Behance Portfolio