Maldonado's Digital Media II 1st Block
Portfolio - FINAL EXAM
May 7, 2012 - May 25, 2012 & Exam date - Spring
Portfolio - Acrobat Pro E portfolio Essential Standard - 201.01 & 201.02; 202.01 & 202.02 Essential Question: How do you create a professional portfolio? Objective: Create an electronic promotional portfolio consisting of the 5 areas of Digital Media projects you created throughout the year. Assignment: Click on this folder to view the PDF that list all requirements of the portfolio and includes directions on how to create the portfolio using Adobe Acrobat Pro.-Save project as lastname+firstinitial+portfolio. Completion of the portfolio requires that a presentation of the portfolio to the class as well as submission of the final PDF file. You will be required to submit your completed checklist on exam day before your presentation. Presentation days are on exam day. No late portfolios will be excepted! NO PORTFOLIO = F IN CLASS! |
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P22-Poster Hero After Effects ProjectMay 1, 2012 - May 7, 2012
Animation - After Effects Essential Standard - 204.01 & 204.02; 206.01 & 206.02 Essential Question: How is motion graphics used to promote? How do you produce a professional newscast? Objective: Use AfterEffects to animate still images with video effects. Create newscasts with packages Assignment:You have been hired as video animator by ILM. They want you to create an animated video promotion for the high school using stills and keying video paint splatters. You are to follow the directions given by the project manager for the target audience to complete the project. Once complete then you should review the checklist for grading criteria before turning in your work. Complete and submit the online rubric for this project once it has been completed. Save the project as a AE file labeled last name + first initial + hero. Export your completed video as a Quicktime MP4 file and save it in your video folder. Add the final video to your Portfolio folder as well once completed. Click on the link and follow the tutorial to create the Poster Hero After Effects project. You can alter the project any way you like, but must have 4 scenes, paint splat reveal background, and text. The length of the animation should be 10 seconds long, but can be longer to fit your song if you like. You choose the song (must be school appropriate). You will have to edit your song in Garageband and make as a MP3 to import into AE. Make your audio fade up/down in Garageband before you export as an MP3. Add text words and phrases to each scene to provide an impact. Make a new project in AE, make a new composition with the NTSC DV setting 720 x 480 and change the duration to the length of your song. Then follow the steps in the tutorial. Grading Criteria Checklist 1 - Used high resolution images for the project (NO blurry, pixelated, or copyright info) 2 - Splatters reveal images below 3 - Audio edited in Garageband with fade up/down to fit the length of the video 4 - Text reveal is slightly after subject reveal 5 - Camera added to each scene to provide some movement 6 - Font used is appropriate for the target audience 7 - Original slogan created with the text animated 8 - Video is edited in a manner that is visually pleasing and creates an interest in the topic 9 - Video file is saved as a AE file and exported as a MP4 format as instructed 10 - Final video file is submitted as a MP4 format with the instructed name for the projectThis project is due on Monday, May 7 When you complete all work, work on the Xtra credit projects |
Portfolio - EXAM - Logo/Business card/Resume
April 26, 2012 - May 3, 2012
Portfolio - Photoshop/Illustrator/Acrobat Pro Essential Standard - 201.01 & 201.02; 202.01 & 202.02 Logo/Business Card/Resume Complete the following items for your portfolio. 1-Use Photoshop or Illustrator to create a personal logo that defines who you are. Do not get images from the Internet to use, but rather create something on your own. Document size is 720 x 480, but it does not have to take up the entire screen and it can have transparency showing. Save as a PSD and a JPEG - last name+first initial+logo 2-Design a business card that includes your personal logo and your personal information. Size is in inches so make sure you change to inches. Size is 2 inches in height and 3.5 inches in width, with 300 resolution. Save as a PSD and a JPEG - last name+first initial+bcard 3-Create a resume. If you do not know how to make a resume, research examples on-line to get an idea of what should be included and how to lay it out. Make it a real resume with your personal job experiences from anywhere you have worked. The key emphasis here is your special skill sets from this class - include all computer experience and skills including all the software you have worked with in Digital Media (Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, etc.). Your personal logo should also appear on your resume. Save as an ODT file and export the final version as a .pdf file - last name+first initial+resume. Open this link for tips on how to write a resume. Grading Criteria Checklist 1 - Designed an original personal logo that represents who you are 2 - Created a business card in inches at 2 x 3.5 with 300 resolution 3 - Card designed in a manner that is visually pleasing, balanced, and creates an interest in the topic 4 - Card includes your REAL personal information - name, address, phone, email 5 - Card includes your personal logo 6 - Created a resume with your REAL job experience and or skills learned in DM 7 - Resume layout is easy to read and there are no spelling/grammar errors 8 - Resume includes your personal logo 9 - Graphic files saved as a PSD/exported JPEG, Text file saved ODT/exported PDF format as instructed 10 - Final files submitted as a JPEG/PDF format with the instructed name for the project This project is due on Thursday, May 3 Begin working on the portfolio in Acrobat Pro once you have completed this section |
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P21 - InDesign Pamphlet Graphic Project
April 20, 2012 - April 25, 2012
Graphics - InDesign Essential Standard - 203.01 & 203.02 Essential Question: How do you create a tri-fold pamphlet using a page layout graphic editing program? How do you produce a professional newscast? Objective: Use InDesign to learn the tools of printing graphic design and page layout. Create daily newscasts with packages Assignment: You have been hired as a graphic designer by SkillsUSA. They want you to design a pamphlet (flyer) to promote the SkillsUSA chapter at MCHS. You are to follow the directions given by the project manager for the target audience to complete the project. Once complete then you should review the checklist for grading criteria before turning in your work. Complete and submit the online rubric for this project once it has been completed. Open this folder, to view the basic tutorial on how to use InDesign. You are creating a tri-fold pamphlet to promo SkillsUSA at Middle Creek. Create a 1 page layout complete with 3 columns. Add text information, photos and images that relate. Make the dimension size landscape. Things to include: - Use only 2 different font types (maintain consistency with headlines and then with article fonts) - Include at least 4 images from SkillsUSA state competitions - Include the SkillsUSA logo - Include web address to national and state websites - Include Facebook and Twitter information - Include MCHS SkillUSA advisors as contacts Spelling will be counted and points will be deducted for misspelling and poor grammar. Add color and use balance to create a professional design. Save as last name+first initial+flyer as an INDD file and as a PDF file. Submit the PDF on Blackboard and place a copy in your portfolio folder. Grading Criteria Checklist 1 - Used high resolution images of SkillsUSA for the project (NO blurry, pixelated) 2 - Layout is standard paper size in landscape format designed as a tri-fold pamphlet 3 - Pamphlet designed in a manner that is visually pleasing, balanced, and creates an interest in the topic 4 - Web addresses for National and State sites included 5 - MCHS Advisors listed as club contacts 6 - Consistent fonts used that are appropriate for the target audience and easy to read 7 - SkillsUSA logo is included 8 - Facebook and Twitter information is included 9 - Graphic file is saved as a INDD file and exported as a PDF format as instructed 10 - Final graphic file is submitted as a PDF format with the instructed name for the project This project is due on Tuesday, April 25 When you complete all work, work on the Xtra credit projects |
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P20 - Trading Cards Graphic ProjectApril 9, 2012 - April 16, 2012
Graphics - Photoshop Essential Standard - 203.01 & 203.02 Essential Question: How is depth used in graphic design? How do you produce a professional newscast? Objective: Discuss elements of depth and design in graphic production. Create newscasts with packages Assignment: You have been hired as a graphic designer by From the Sidelines Productions. They want you to design trading cards for their clients. You are to follow the directions given by the project manager for the target audience to complete the project. Once complete then you should review the checklist for grading criteria before turning in your work. Complete and submit the online rubric for this project once it has been completed. Quality graphic designers understand depth and product relationship. Depth provides that extra pop to your design. Somewhere you often find creative depth design is in trading cards. Create 5 trading cards for a sports team, athlete, car, band, television show, or movie that use image within image depth or product relationship depth. Create a name for your card company (i.e. Upper Deck), and design a logo and look (i.e. boarders or symbols) that will appear on each card the same way in the same place. Remember to make use of company or product colors. Each card must have the same look and feel. You must cut the objects out cleanly and use multiple layers. You cannot use a plain photograph with background as your image. Experiment with different font styles until you find the one that fits just right with your product. You can use to download fonts if you like. Look at examples online to get ideas. Have fun with this project. Experiment with opacity and layer styles to give your design that extra pop. Look up tutorials online for creating different text effects in Photoshop for even more creative work.For this project we will work in inches, not pixels. Your image size should be the actual size of a trading card - Width 2.5 inches, Height 3.5 inches. Make sure to change from pixels to inches! You will also have to change your resolution to 300! You can flip the dimensions to make horizontal if you like.Open this folder to view some examples with depth. Save the images as lastname+firstinitial+card1 and lastname+firstinitial+card2, etc. Save as a PSD and JPEG. Submit only the JPEG version in the digital drop box. Add the final JPEGs to your Portfolio folder. Grading Criteria Checklist 1 - Used Internet to find high resolution images online for the project (NO blurry, pixelated, or copyright info) 2 - Cards are designed in INCHES 2.5 x 3.5 with 300 Resolution 3 - Cards designed in a manner that is visually pleasing, balanced, and creates an interest in the topic 4 - All images cut out cleanly using layer masks 5 - Original name for card company created and a logo designed for the company 6 - Font used that is appropriate for the target audience and easy to read 7 - Logo is in same place on every card 8 - 4 cards designed with same look and feel 9 - Graphic file is saved as a PSD file and exported as a JPEG format as instructed 10 - Final graphic file is submitted as a JPEG format with the instructed name for the project This project is due on Monday, April 16 When you complete all work, work on the Xtra credit projects |
P19 - Mobile Web App Project
March 19, 2012 - March 29, 2012
Web Design - Dreamweaver/Photoshop Essential Standard - 207.01 & 207.02 Essential Question: How do you create professional web app for a recording artist using HTML Code? Objective: Create a professional web app for a recording artist. We will be creating a Web App for mobile devices. We will be using an open source web standard called, WebKit. You will be creating 5 pages: a Homepage, album page with at least 4 albums, tour page, merchandise page, and a top singles page. First choose a band that has a fairly established album collection and is still touring. For instance The Beatles would not work. Yes, they have many albums but they are not together anymore. I’m going to choose someone modern that has several albums and goes on tour regularly. Someone like John Mayer. You will need to go to that artist’s website and also go to their page on the iTunes “website.” Open the tutorial in this folder to create a Web App for a band, musical artist, or actor. You will create 5 pages - Home page, album page (movie page) with at least 4 albums (movies), tour page, merchandise page, top singles page. Grading Criteria Checklist 1 - 5 page Web App created around a single artist or band 2 - Page layout created using HTML code 3 - Navigation buttons in proper places and work 4 - All links work correctly 5 - Images and text on each page 6 - Links to audio files that open a page to play the audio 7 - Same size/type font used for information text on each page (body text) 8 - Same size/type font used for headline text on each page (these will be slightly larger than your body text) 9 - Web file is saved as a HTML file and saved in the root folder. The root folder is saved in the Web folder in your portfolio. 10 - Final web files are submitted with the instructed names for the project. This project is due on Thursday, March 29 |
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Adobe Photoshop Certification Mini Lesson 2Apply adjustment layers to manipulate the color, tone, contrast, and other aspects of images. Apply adjustments non-destructively, monitor levels in the panel's histogram, and paint away adjustments with the built-in layer mask.
This lesson is courtesy Adobe TV: |
Adobe Photoshop Certification Mini Lesson 1Today we will be learning new techniques for selecting and masking in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
This lesson is courtesy Adobe TV: |
P18 - Flash Madness/NCAA Tech Dir ProjectsMar. 12, 2012 - Mar. 16, 2012
Animation - Flash & Career Planning Essential Standard - 204.01 & 204.02; 201.01 & 201.02 Essential Question: How do you create a targeted animated advertisement? What careers are associated with live television production and digital video? How do you produce a professional newscast? Objective: Learn the tools of Flash Understand and apply information about careers in digital media Create daily newscasts with packages To fill out the Digital Media Group Bracket follow the following link: Assignment: You have been hired by CBS. They want you to create an animation for March Madness as well as Technical Direct some of the games during the NCAA tournament. You are to follow the directions given by the project manager for the target audience to complete the project. Once complete review the checklist for grading criteria before turning in your work then complete and submit the online rubric for this project. You will be creating a Flash advertisement promoting March Madness on CBS. Click on the tutorial in the Available Files section. It will show you how to create a motion path for the bouncing basketball. Download the Zip files to the right. You will make a creative Flash Ad using any of the images provided. Right click and "Download linked file as" for each of the documents and images needed to complete the project. Save them in your Flash folder on your hard drive. You will change the document size to 700 x 150 pixels with a black background and a frame rate of 12 fps. Your ad will consist of a minimum of 10 layers and 100 frames (you can have more layers and more frames) (label and lock each), must have the basketball bounce using motion guides, must use the CBS Sports Logo, the Final Four logo, and the March Madness logo, and you must have multiple backgrounds behind all moving images (one of the courts or the ball and rim, etc). You can add the music track and fade it out at the proper frame for extra credit. All text should be created in Photoshop with a transparent background and saved as a PSD. You will use Photoshop to cut out additional images you would like to find online with a layer mask, and Flash to create the ad. Add a white stroke if it makes the image stand out better. Make sure you only use high quality images for your ad! Make sure to label all of your layers in Flash in the timeline and lock each layer when you are done working. Save your work as last name+first initial+madness as an fla file. Export as a swf using the same naming convention. Submit only the swf file to your right. Thursday - Bring 4 sheets of notebook paper and a pen/pencil for discussion of careers in digital video. Grading Criteria Checklist
This project is due on Wednesday/Friday, March 16 When you complete all work, work on the Xtra credit projects. |
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02-27-2012 - Comic Book ProjectEssential Question: How do I make a comic book?
Objective: Create a comic book. Today we will be starting a comic book project. You will be making a comic book with the following criteria: 1. 10 pages 2. Tells a story from beginning to end. 3. Contains multiple characters. 4. Uses a consistent color scheme 5. Uses a consistent Photoshop effect. 6. Word bubbles are used to tell the story. 7. Characters are laid out in appropriate places with backgrounds that help to tell the story. Use the following link to pick a comic book effect you like for your book: Remember be creative and have fun. Due : March 9, 2012. |